Story of Pradeep

Pradeep grew up experiencing suffering and oppression. 13 year old Pradeep lives in an orphanage where the children have gone through bad trauma and abuse. Pradeep was still a classic teen; goofing off with friends and playing games. Like any typical teen, chores especially those involving laundry aren’t done with great relish.
The region where the orphanage is located is drought prone and crop failure is a major problem that drives farmers into debt and committing suicide. Most of the 200 children in the orphanage were either abandoned by their families or are survivors of parental suicide and hopelessness defines this part of central India.
One day as Pradeep was in a J127 club, teacher taught a lesson on servanthood. The discussion involved the passage from Scripture where Jesus washes his disciples’ feet. Pradeep liked the lesson very much and wanted to demonstrate his love to his friends. Knowing he couldn’t literally wash the feet of his friends, he gathered their socks, twenty pairs. He washed them and hung them out to dry. That day all the children witnessed a lesson on servant leadership.